[POI2006] ZOS-Sophie
此题需要spj,征求spj ing
Little Sophie gives a birthday party. She has written a tentative list of her kindergarten friendsshe would like to invite. However, kids are very demanding guests. Mary said she should come, butonly provided Camille and Emily are not present, for they took her doll last week. Little Christopheronly plays with Sophie and Camille and he does not wish to see any other kids at the party. And soon...
Sophie considers a party a success if none of the guests invited has objection against any other'spresence. She has decided not to invite certain kids to assure that the party is a success. On theother hand she would like to invite as many kids as possible. Should Sophie not be able to invite atleast $k$ kids she won't give any party at all.
## Task
Help little Sophie! Write a programme which:
- reads the number of all Sophie's acquaintances $n$, the number $k$ and a description of kids' demands from the standard input,
- verifies if it is possible to invite at least $k$ kids so that the party could be a success,
- if it is not possible, writes the word NIE (i.e. no in Polish) to the standard output; if it is possible, finds the largest group of kids who could be invited to the party so that it is a success and writes it to the standard output.
The first line of the standard input contains two positive integers separated by a single space:
$n$ - the number of all Sophie's acquaintances ($2 \le n \le 100\ 000$) and $k$ -the minimal number of kids Sophie wishes to invite to the party($n-10 \le k < n$). The kids are assigned numbers from therange $1$ to $n$.
The following lines contain a description of kids' demands. In the second line there is a singleinteger $m$, $1 \le m \le 3\ 000\ 000$
Each of the following $m$ lines contains a pair of integers $a$, $b$, separated by a single space ($1 \le a,b, \le n, a \neq b$). You can assume that each (ordered) pair appears in the standard input once at the most. The pair $a$, $b$ denotes that the child $a$ does not wish to meet child $b$ at the party.
标准输入流的第一行是两个整数 $n$ 和 $k$($2\le n\le10$,$n-10\le k<n$)。表示孩子的总数和派对的最少人数。接下来一行是一个整数 $m$ 表示孩子们的要求($1<=m<=3000000$)。
If it is not possible to invite $k$ kids to the party so that it is a success then the first and only line ofthe standard output should contain a single word: NIE.
If it is possible, then the first line of the standard input should contain a single integer - themaximal number of kids that can be invited to the party so that it is a success.
The second line of the standard output should contain the numbers of kids to be invited, separated by single spaces, inincreasing order. Should there be more correct answers your programme should write out any oneof them.
输入样例 #1
9 4
9 6
4 6
7 9
1 2
2 1
9 7
7 6
4 5
7 8
8 9
3 4
4 3
输出样例 #1
1 3 5 6 8