P3549 [POI 2013] MUL-Multidrink


Byteasar lives in Byteburg, a city famous for its milk bars on every corner. One day Byteasar came up with an idea of a "milk multidrink": he wants to visit each milk bar for a drink exactly once. Ideally, Byteasar would like to come up with a route such that the next bar is always no further than two blocks (precisely: intersections) away from the previous one. The intersections in Byteburg are numbered from ![](http://main.edu.pl/images/OI20/mul-en-tex.1.png) to ![](http://main.edu.pl/images/OI20/mul-en-tex.2.png), and all the streets are bidirectional. Between each pair of intersections there is a unique direct route, ie, one that does not visit any intersection twice. Byteasar begins at the intersection no. ![](http://main.edu.pl/images/OI20/mul-en-tex.3.png) and finishes at the intersection no. ![](http://main.edu.pl/images/OI20/mul-en-tex.4.png). Your task is to find any route that satisfies Byteasar's requirements if such a route exists. An exemplary route satisfying the requirements is: ![](http://main.edu.pl/images/OI20/mul-en-tex.5.png) There is no route that satisfies the requirements. 给一棵树,每次步伐大小只能为1或2,要求不重复的遍历n个节点,且起点为1,终点为n




给一棵树,每次步伐大小只能为 1 或 2,要求不重复的遍历 $n$ 个节点,且起点为 $1$,终点为 $n$。无解输出 BRAK。 $n\le 500000$