P6954 [NEERC 2017] Connections
Hard times are coming to Byteland. Quantum computing is becoming mainstream and Qubitland is going to occupy Byteland. The main problem is that Byteland does not have enough money for this war, so the King of Byteland Byteman $0x0B$ had decided to reform its road system to reduce expenses.
Byteland has $n$ cities that are connected by $m$ one-way roads and it is possible to get from any city to any other city using these roads. No two roads intersect outside of the cities and no other roads exist. By the way, roads are one-way because every road has a halfway barrier that may be passed in one direction only. These barriers are intended to force enemies to waste their time if they choose the wrong way.
The idea of the upcoming road reform is to abandon some roads so that exactly $2n$ roads remain. Advisers of the King think that it should be enough to keep the ability to get from any city to any other city. (Maybe even less is enough? They do not know for sure. ) The problem is how to choose roads to abandon. Everyone in Byteland knows that you are the only one who can solve this problem.
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