P7123 [NEERC 2016] Indiana Jones and the Uniform Cave
这是一道 IO 交互题。
Indiana Jones has stuck in the Uniform Cave. There are many round chambers in the cave, and all of them are indistinguishable from each other. Each chamber has the same number of one-way passages evenly distributed along the chamber’s wall. Passages are indistinguishable from each other, too. The Cave is magical. All passages lead to other chambers or to the same one. However, the last passage, after all passages are visited, leads to the treasure. Even the exact number of chambers is a mystery. It is known that each chamber is reachable from each other chamber using the passages.
Dr. Jones noticed that each chamber has a stone in the center. He decided to use these stones to mark chambers and passages. A stone can be placed to the left or to the right of one of the passages. When Indiana Jones enters the chamber all that he can observe is the location of the stone in the chamber. He can move the stone to the desired location and take any passage leading out of the chamber.
Your task is to help Indiana Jones to visit every passage in the Uniform Cave and find the treasure.
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Dr. Jones enters the example cave and sees that the stone in the first chamber is in the center. He marks the chamber by placing the stone to the left of some passage and takes it. He sees the chamber where the stone is to the left of the passage, so he is in the first chamber again. He moves the stone clockwise and takes the passage marked by it. This passage leads to the second chamber. He marks it by placing the stone to the right of some passage and takes another one. He is in the first chamber again, so he returns to the second chamber and takes the remaining passage. This passage leads to the treasure.