P9018 [USACO23JAN] Moo Route G
Farmer Nhoj dropped Bessie in the middle of nowhere! At time $t=0$, Bessie is located at $x=0$ on an infinite number line. She frantically searches for an exit by moving left or right by $1$ unit each second. However, there actually is no exit and after $T$ seconds, Bessie is back at $x=0$, tired and resigned.
Farmer Nhoj tries to track Bessie but only knows how many times Bessie crosses $x=0.5,1.5,2.5,\cdots,(N−1).5$
, given by an array $A_0,A_1, \cdots ,A_{N−1} (1 \le N \le 10^5, 1 \le A_i \le 10^6)$. Bessie never reaches $x>N$ nor $x
Input Format
Output Format
### Explanation for Sample 1
Bessie must change direction at least 5 times. There are two routes corresponding to Bessie changing direction exactly 5 times:
### Scoring
- Inputs $2-4$: $N \le 2$ and $\max(A_i) \le 10^3$
- Inputs $5-7$: $N \le 2$
- Inputs $8-11$: $\max(A_i) \le 10^3$
- Inputs $12-21$: No additional constraints.