P9128 [USACO23FEB] Fertilizing Pastures G
有 $N$ 个顶点的树,经过节点之间的每一条边都需要 $1s$。每个顶点一开始的权值均为 $0$,第 $i$ 个点的权值的增长速率为 $a_i/s$。FJ 从 $1$ 号顶点出发遍历整棵树。当 FJ 走到某个节点时,若该节点的权值为 $x$,则需要支出大小为 $x$ 的费用。(当然,只需在第一次经过该节点时需要支出。)
给出一个参数 $T$:
+ **若 $T=0$,FJ 必须回到 $1$ 号节点**。
+ **若 $T=1$,FJ 可以在任意节点结束他的遍历**。
### Explanation for Sample 1
The optimal route for Farmer John is as follows:
- At time $1$, move to node $3$, which now has $1 \cdot 2=2$ grass and so needs $2$ fertilizer.
- At time $2$, move to node $5$, which now has $2 \cdot 4=8$ grass and so needs $8$ fertilizer.
- At time $3$, move back to node $3$, which we already fertilized and so don't need to fertilize again.
- At time $4$, move to node $4$, which now has $4 \cdot 1=4$ grass and so needs $4$ fertilizer.
- At time $5$, move back to node $3$, which we already fertilized.
- At time $6$, move back to node $1$.
- At time $7$, move to node $2$, which now has $7 \cdot 1=7$ grass and so needs $7$ fertilizer.
- At time $8$, return to node $1$.
This route takes $8$ time and uses $2+8+4+7=21$ fertilizer. It can be shown that $8$ is the least possible amount of time for any route that returns to node $1$ at the end and $21$ is the least possible fertilizer used for any route that returns to node $1$ and takes $8$ time.
### Explanation for Sample 2
The optimal route for Farmer John is as follows:
- At time $1$, move to node $2$, which now has $1 \cdot 1=1$ grass and so needs $1$ fertilizer.
- At time $2$, move back to node $1$.
- At time $3$, move to node $3$, which now has $3 \cdot 2=6$ grass and so needs $6$ fertilizer.
- At time $4$, move to node $5$, which now has $4 \cdot 4=16$ grass and so needs $16$ fertilizer.
- At time $5$, move back to node $3$, which we already fertilized and so don't need to fertilize again.
- At time $6$, move to node $4$, which now has $6 \cdot 1=6$ grass and so needs $6$ fertilizer.
This route takes $6$ time and uses $1+6+16+6=29$ fertilizer. It can be shown that $6$ is the least possible amount of time for any route and $29$ is the least possible fertilizer used for any route that takes $6$ time.
- Inputs $3-10$: $T=0$
- Inputs $11-22$: $T=1$
- Inputs $3-6$ and $11-14$: No pasture is adjacent to more than three roads.