P9130 [USACO23FEB] Hungry Cow P
**Note: The time limit for this problem is 6s, three times the default. The memory limit for this problem is 512MB, twice the default.**
Bessie is a hungry cow. Each day, for dinner, if there is a haybale in the barn, she will eat one haybale. Farmer John does not want Bessie to starve, so some days he sends a delivery of haybales, which arrive in the morning (before dinner). In particular, on day $d_i$, Farmer John sends a delivery of $b_i$ haybales $(1 \le d_i \le 10^{14}, 0 \le b_i \le 10^9)$.
Process $U(1 \le U \le 10^5)$ updates as follows: Given a pair $(d,b)$, update the number of haybales arriving on day $d$ to $b$. After each update, output the sum of all days on which Bessie eats haybales modulo $10^9+7$.
### Explanation for Sample 1
Answers after each update:
- Input $3$: $U \le 5000$
- Inputs $4-10$: Updates only increase the number of haybales arriving on day $d$.
- Inputs 11-22: No additional constraints.