[GDCPC2023] Classic Problem


**【题目描述】** 给定一张 $n$ 个点的无向完全图与 $m$ 个三元组 $P_1, P_2, \cdots, P_m$,其中 $P_i = (u_i, v_i, w_i)$。保证 $1 \leq u_i < v_i \leq n$,且对于任意两个编号不同的三元组 $P_i$ 和 $P_j$,有 $(u_i, v_i) \ne (u_j, v_j)$。 对于图中的任意两个节点 $x$ 与 $y$($1 \leq x < y \leq n$),定义它们之间的无向边的边权如下: - 如果存在一个三元组 $P_i$ 满足 $u_i = x$ 且 $v_i = y$,那么边权为 $w_i$。 - 否则,边权为 $|x - y|$。 求这张图的最小生成树的边权之和。 **【输入格式】** 有多组测试数据。第一行输入一个整数 $T$($1 \le T \le 10^5$)表示测试数据组数。对于每组测试数据: 第一行输入两个整数 $n$ 和 $m$($1 \leq n \leq 10^9$,$0 \leq m \leq 10^5$)表示图的点数与三元组的数量。 对于接下来 $m$ 行,第 $i$ 行输入三个整数 $u_i$,$v_i$ 和 $w_i$($1 \leq u_i < v_i \leq n$,$0 \leq w_i \leq 10^9$)表示第 $i$ 个三元组。保证对于所有 $1 \leq i < j \leq m$ 都有 $(u_i, v_i) \ne (u_j, v_j)$。 保证所有数据 $m$ 之和不超过 $5 \times 10^5$。 **【输出格式】** 每组数据输出一行一个整数,表示这张图的最小生成树的边权之和。 **【样例解释】** 第一组样例数据如下图所示,最小生成树用红色线段标出。 ![](https://cdn.luogu.com.cn/upload/image_hosting/4gvbji8a.png) 第二组样例数据如下图所示,最小生成树用红色线段标出。 ![](https://cdn.luogu.com.cn/upload/image_hosting/5cfsvoie.png) 第三组样例数据如下图所示,最小生成树用红色线段标出。 ![](https://cdn.luogu.com.cn/upload/image_hosting/iyzb4xpg.png)


Given an undirected complete graph with $n$ vertices and $m$ triples $P_1, P_2, \cdots, P_m$ where $P_i = (u_i, v_i, w_i)$, it's guaranteed that $1 \leq u_i < v_i \leq n$, and for any two triples $P_i$ and $P_j$ with different indices we have $(u_i, v_i) \ne (u_j, v_j)$. For any two vertices $x$ and $y$ in the graph ($1 \leq x < y \leq n$), define the weight of the edge connecting them as follows: - If there exists a triple $P_i$ satisfying $u_i = x$ and $v_i = y$, the weight of edge will be $w_i$. - Otherwise, the weight of edge will be $|x - y|$. Calculate the total weight of edges in the minimum spanning tree of the graph.



There are multiple test cases. The first line of the input contains an integer $T$ ($1 \le T \le 10^5$) indicating the number of test cases. For each test case: The first line contains two integers $n$ and $m$ ($1 \leq n \leq 10^9$, $0 \leq m \leq 10^5$) indicating the number of vertices in the graph and the number of triples. For the following $m$ lines, the $i$-th line contains three integers $u_i$, $v_i$ and $w_i$ ($1 \leq u_i < v_i \leq n$, $0 \leq w_i \leq 10^9$) indicating the $i$-th triple. It's guaranteed that for all $1 \leq i < j \leq m$ we have $(u_i, v_i) \ne (u_j, v_j)$. It's guaranteed that the sum of $m$ of all test cases will not exceed $5 \times 10^5$.


For each test case output one line containing one integer indicating the total weight of edges in the minimum spanning tree of the graph.


输入样例 #1

5 3
1 2 5
2 3 4
1 5 0
5 0
5 4
1 2 1000000000
1 3 1000000000
1 4 1000000000
1 5 1000000000

输出样例 #1



The first sample test case is illustrated as follows. The minimum spanning tree is marked by red segments. ![](https://cdn.luogu.com.cn/upload/image_hosting/4gvbji8a.png) The second sample test case is illustrated as follows. The minimum spanning tree is marked by red segments. ![](https://cdn.luogu.com.cn/upload/image_hosting/5cfsvoie.png) The third sample test case is illustrated as follows. The minimum spanning tree is marked by red segments. ![](https://cdn.luogu.com.cn/upload/image_hosting/iyzb4xpg.png)