SP1526 RSORTING - Ranklist Sorting
You are given the scores of several players in a competition. Your task is to create a ranklist of the players, sorted in decreasing order by score.
Unfortunately, the data structure used for the list of players supports only one operation, which moves a player from position i to position j without changing the relative order of other players. If i > j, the positions of players at positions between j and i − 1 increase by 1, otherwise if i < j the positions of players at positions between i + 1 and j decrease by 1.
This operation takes i steps to locate the player to be moved, and j steps to locate the position where he or she is moved to, so the overall cost of moving a player from position i to position j is i + j. Here, positions are numbered starting with 1.
Determine a sequence of moves to create the ranklist such that the sum of the costs of the moves is minimized.
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