SP4195 MSE08H - GCD Determinant


[English](/problems/MSE08H/en/) [Vietnamese](/problems/MSE08H/vn/) We say that a set S = {x1, x2, …, xn} is factor closed if for any xi ∈ S and any divisor d of xi we have d ∈ S. Let’s build a GCD matrix (S) = (sij), where sij = GCD(xi, xj) – the greatest common divisor of xi and xj. Given the factor closed set S, find the value of the determinant: [![Image and video hosting by TinyPic](https://cdn.luogu.com.cn/upload/vjudge_pic/SP4195/027d0cb08fc2a3fbc74500361335a997209d1b89.png)](http://tinypic.com)

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