T491885 The Deliverance of Peng De


This is the English Statement of the problem, you should submit at Chinese Statement to get score in the contest. **And in that light, I find deliverance.**


Because Peng De's true value is too low, Zhuge Liang deny him. And Peng De become notorious, called the lies' wave. With a mystery man's help, Peng De find the way to let him ran out from the lies' wave. The mystery man told him how to finish the escape rite. The Escape Rite need you to give the large stone an answer. The correct answer is the exclusive OR sum of all value from a query $b$. The array can generate by a formula: $$b_k=\sum_{i|k}a_i$$ The mystery man give him the array $a$. Now, please tell him the exclusive OR sum of all $b_i$.




For all tests, it is guaranteed that $-2^{64} \le a_i \le 2^{64},1\le n\le100000$