T519360 「KDOI-10」Super Show


[Chinese Statement](https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/T505917?contestId=200849). You must submit your code at the Chinese version of the statement. |Input|Output|Time Limit|Memory Limit| |:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |standard input|standard output|1.0 s|512 MiB| This problem has $25$ tests. The full score is $100$ points, and $4$ points per test.


Meguru has prepared a super show! The stage and the waiting rooms can be seen as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) consisting of $n$ vertices and $m$ edges. The stage is at vertex $1$, and the rest vertices are all waiting rooms. It is guaranteed that each vertex has at least one path to vertex $1$. For each waiting room, there is a troupe in it initially. Meguru can send an *enter* command to a waiting room $u$: - If the troupe in this room has not come to the stage yet, and there exists a path from $u$ to $1$ such that there are no troupe waiting for entrance, then the troupe in waiting room $u$ will come to the stage and subsequently exit. Note that a troupe will **not** return to the waiting room after the exit. - Otherwise, this command is considered as *inoperative*. Meguru has a command sequence $a_1,a_2,\ldots, a_k$ and $q$ queries. In each query, an interval $[l,r]$ is given, and Meguru asks you that, if she sends the enter command to waiting room $a_l,a_{l+1},\ldots,a_r$ successively, how many troupes are still in the waiting room. Note that each query is **independent**, i.e., before each query, there is a troupe in each waiting room.




**Sample 1 Explanation** ![](https://cdn.luogu.com.cn/upload/image_hosting/2a4qed7w.png) - In the query $l=1$, $r=2$: - For the command $a_1=2$, $2$ comes to the stage by $2\to 1$; - For the command $a_2=4$, $4$ comes to the stage by $4\to 2\to 1$. Troupes $3,5$ are left, so output $2$. - In the query $l=2$, $r=3$: - For the command $a_2=4$, there does not exist a valid path, so this command is inoperative. - For the command $a_3=4$, there does not exist a valid path, so this command is inoperative. Troupes $2,3,4,5$ are left, so output $4$. **Sample 2** See `show/show2.in` and `show/show2.ans` in the attachments. This sample satisfies the constraints of test $1,2$. **Sample 3** See `show/show3.in` and `show/show3.ans` in the attachments. This sample satisfies the constraints of test $5\sim 8$. **Sample 4** See `show/show4.in` and `show/show4.ans` in the attachments. This sample satisfies the constraints of test $9\sim 11$. **Sample 5** See `show/show5.in` and `show/show5.ans` in the attachments. This sample satisfies the constraints of test $12,13$. **Sample 6** See `show/show6.in` and `show/show6.ans` in the attachments. This sample satisfies the constraints of test $18,19$. *** **Constraints** For all the tests, it is guaranteed that: - $1\leq n,k,q\leq2\times10^5$; - $1\leq m\leq4\times10^5$; - $1\leq v