T565374 「TFXOI R1」History of Past and Present
> Time and space intertwine chaotically, ~~"deities"~~ and *illusions* mingle in disarray.
**Note: A formal problem statement is provided at the end.**
The "God" created the "past history":
- The "past history" contains $n$ events, each with a **distinct** value $s_i$.
- An "era" is any interval of **consecutive** events from the "past history". If a value $s_i$ appears $p$ times in an "era", we say the corresponding event occurred $p$ times in that era.
- An "era" is considered "pride of the era" if all events in it occur at most $k$ times.
The "God" wants to know how many such "pride of the era" eras exist.
However, ~~"God"~~ clearly disdains this problem because he can alter the "current history" $m$ times:
- Initially, when the "past history" is created, the "current history" is identical to it.
- Subsequently, each time ~~"God"~~ can select an "era" (interval $[l, r]$) from the "past history" and append all its events to the end of the "current history".
~~"God"~~ now wants to know how many "pride of the era" eras exist in the "current history".
However, ~~"God"~~ realizes the answer might be too large and dislikes cumbersome numbers.
Thus, ~~"God"~~ only requires you to answer $q$ small queries:
- Specifically, for each query with parameters $x_i, t_i$, find the maximum length of a "pride of the era" starting from the event with value $t_i$ in the interval added during the $x_i$-th modification.
- When $x_i = 0$, the query refers to the initial "current history" (before any modifications).
- **All queries are processed after all modifications are completed**.
### Formal Problem Statement
Given a sequence of $n$ **distinct** integers $s_i$.
There are $m$ modifications: each appends all numbers from the original interval $[l_i, r_i]$ to the end of the sequence.
Then process $q$ queries: for each query $(x_i, t_i)$, find the maximum length of a "good sequence" starting from the number $t_i$ in the interval inserted during the $x_i$-th modification.
A "good sequence" $[l, r]$ satisfies: every number in $[l, r]$ appears at most $k$ times.
Input Format
Output Format
### Sample 1 Explanation
Let $S_0$ be the initial "current history", and $S_i$ be the "current history" after the $i$-th modification.
Initial: $S_0 = \{1, 2, 3, 4\}$.
After first modification: $S_1 = \{1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2\}$.
After second modification: $S_2 = \{1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4\}$.
The longest "pride of the era" starting from value $1$ in the $0$-th modification (initial history) is $\{1, 2, 3, 4\}$ (length 4).
### Sample 2 Explanation
Final $S_m$: $\{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 6, 7, 8, 3, 4, 5, 6\}$.
The longest "pride of the era" starting from value $1$ in the first modification has length 15.
The longest "pride of the era" starting from value $6$ in the $0$-th modification also has length 15.
### Constraints
- **Bundled testing is used**.
- **Moderately tight time constraints**: optimize your code carefully.
- For all data: $1 \le n, m, k \le 2 \times 10^5$, $1 \le q \le 3 \times 10^5$, $1 \le l_i \le r_i \le n$, $1 \le s_i, t_i \le 10^9$. Detailed constraints:
| Subtask ID | $n$ | $k$ | $m$ | $q$ | Memory Limit | Points |
| #1 | $\le 200$ | $=2 \times 10^5$ | $\le 200$ | - | 64 MB | 10 pts |
| #2 | $\le 200$ | $\le 200$ | $\le 200$ | $\le 200$ | 64 MB | 10 pts |
| #3 | $\le 3 \times 10^3$ | $=1$ | - | $\le 3 \times 10^3$ | 64 MB | 10 pts |
| #4 | - | - | $\le 50$ | - | 64 MB | 15 pts |
| #5 | $\le 3 \times 10^3$ | - | - | $\le 3$ | 256 MB | 15 pts |
| #6 | $\le 10^5$ | - | $\le 10^5$ | $\le 3$ | 64 MB | 20 pts |
| #7 | - | - | - | - | 64 MB | 20 pts |
Translated by DeepSeek R1