U125302 Atlantis-Parking


Atlantis is located in the Atlantic island from Europe to the Strait of gibraltarian. It is said that Atlantis has the name of an ancient continent, country or city-state with high civilization development. The earliest recorded description appears in the ancient Greek philosopher Plato's book dialogue, which is said to have been destroyed by the prehistoric flood in 10000 BC. In 350 B.C., Plato's dialogue was widely spread in ancient Greece. In dialogue, Plato described Atlantis for the first time in the form of dialogue In 2011, an archaeological team claimed that they had located Atlantis: under mudflats in southern Spain; and in December 2013, an undersea pyramid was found in the waters west of Portugal, suspected of Atlantis. According to legend, Atlantis was regarded as the son of the God of the sea and had a strong worship for the sea. It coexisted with Lemuria (an ancient continent in the northeast of Australia) at that time. Two civilizations were destroyed in a natural disaster ten thousand years ago. Out of his yearning for Atlantis and curiosity, Marcus decided to drive there. Before he set out, he found his own car ~~Lamborghini, Bentley, Porsche, Ferrari~~ : the expansion tricycle (santiaozi) broke down, so he decided to buy a new car. Finally, after many hardships, he found his favorite car and drove to Atlantis. However, he found two problems -~~I don't have a passport~~ -The parking lot there is extremely strange. He doesn't know where to stop, so he needs your help.


The parking lot of Atlantis is known to consist of $n × n $ grids. The numbers of one horizontal row and one vertical row are $1, 2, 3... N $. The grid in the $x $ row and $y $ column can be expressed as $(x, y) $. There are now $C $ cars in the parking lot at $(x_ 1,y_ 1),(x_ 2,y_ 2)......(x_ c,y_ c)$。 There are also $B $ mines in the parking lot at $(x)_ 1,y_ 1),(x_ 2,y_ 2)......(x_ b,y_ b)$。 (this $X_ I $not that $X_i$) The scope and impact of mines are as follows: - In this case, there are cars or people in the box itself: the car or person in the box disappears, and then the box is damaged. - For the case that there is no car or person in the grid itself: the box is damaged, and the principle that if there is a car or person, the car or person will disappear; if there is no car or person, the box will be damaged. In addition, there is a maintenance team and a destruction team at $(1,1), (n, n) $ in the parking lot. Every time a mine explodes, the maintenance team will repair the grid (if it encounters a grid that is good or has a car, it is a waste of an opportunity; **if it encounters a damaged grid, it will be repaired),** and **will move to the right one** (if it is on the far right of a row, it will go to the first grid in the next row). At the same time, the destruction team will damage the grid (if it has been damaged, it will waste an opportunity, **if there is a car in the grid, the car and the destruction team will disappear**, if the grid is good, it will be damaged), and **will move to the left grid** (if it is on the far left of a row, it will come to the next grid in the previous row). When the maintenance team and the destruction team meet, the two teams disappear immediately. Attention **both teams may also be killed.**




For data of $10 \% $, $1 < = n < = 10$ For the other $10 \% $ data, $B = C = 0$ For data of $100 \% $, $1 < = n < = 100, \ \ 0 < = B < = 100, \ \ 0 < = C < = 200, \ \ 1 < = x, y, P, Q, I, J < = n, 1 < = T < = 100 $. ------------ Sample explanation: Since there are no cars, each can be parked. Since there is no bomb explosion, the **maintenance team and the destruction team will not repair / destroy any grid**, so output `none yet`.