U508230 The Endless Road of No Return


~~**Please submit in the [Chinese version](https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/T472655?contestId=183429)!**~~ NoitaCesaE’s matchmaking system has always been peculiar. Little ζ frequently finds himself assigned to teams different from his squad members, depriving him of the joy of being carried by his skilled teammates.


Specifically, there are $ n $ teams, each with a maximum capacity of $ m $ players. Currently, $ p $ players have already been assigned to teams, with no team exceeding its capacity limit. Little $ \zeta $'s squad of $ k $ players enters the room. Without changing the team assignments of the $ p $ existing players, if they can all join the same team without exceeding the team capacity limit, they will do so. Otherwise, the squad will be split across different teams. Given n, m, k, p, determine the possibility scenario for Little $ \zeta $'s squad to join the same team, considering all possible team distributions of the $ p $ existing players (see output format for details).




**「Sample 1 Explanation」** For the first test case, regardless of which team the one existing player is in, at least two teams will be empty. Therefore, a squad of 3 players can definitely fit in one team, thus outputting Together. **「Data Constraints」** * For 40% of test cases: $ T ≤ 10,n, m ≤ 4,k ≤ 6,p ≤ 10 $; * For another 20% of test cases, the output will not be `Together`. * For 100% of test cases: $ 1 ≤ T ≤ 1000,1 ≤ n, m ≤ 10^4,1 ≤ k ≤ 10^8,0 ≤ p ≤ 10^8,p + k ≤ n × m $.