U517658 「Cfz Round 5」Gnirts 10 (English)
[Chinese Statement](https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/P11487). **You must submit your code at the Chinese version of the statement.**
In Memory of $\text{F}\rule{66.8px}{6.8px}$.
Let's keep the problem statement simple.
- Given $n, m$, and a binary string $S$ of length $n + m$.
- For a binary string $T$, define $f(T)$ as the length of the longest prefix of $S$ that is a subsequence $^\dagger$ of $T$.
- For every binary string $T$ that **contains exactly $\bm n$ $\tt 1$s and $\bm m$ $\tt 0$s**, compute the sum of $f(T)$. The answer should be modulo $2933256077^\ddagger$.
$\dagger$: Note that a subsequence does not need to be contiguous. In other words, $a$ is a subsequence of $b$ if and only if $a$ can be obtained by deleting $\geq 0$ characters from $b$. Note that the empty string is always a subsequence of any string.
$\ddagger$: The modulus is a prime number.
#### Sample Explanation #1
The only possible sequence is the common sequence $\texttt{0}$. Since there are exactly 3 different $T$s ($\tt 110, 101, 011$), the answer is $1 \times 3 = 3$.
#### Constraints
For all test cases, it is guaranteed that $1 \leq n, m \leq 3\times 10^6$.
**Subtasks are used in this task.**
- Subtask 0 (13 points): $\max(n, m) \leq 5$.
- Subtask 1 (13 points): $\max(n, m) \leq 100$.
- Subtask 2 (34 points): $\max(n, m) \leq 3\times 10^3$.
- Subtask 3 (40 points): No further restrictions.