UVA1623 神龙喝水 Enter The Dragon


# 神龙喝水 Enter The Dragon [problemUrl]: https://uva.onlinejudge.org/index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=8&category=825&page=show_problem&problem=4498 [PDF](https://uva.onlinejudge.org/external/16/p1623.pdf) The capital of Ardenia is surrounded by several lakes, and each of them is initially full of water. Currently, heavy rainfalls are expected over the land. Such a rain falls to one of the lakes: if the lake is dry and empty, then it will be filled with water; if the lake is already full, then it will overflow, which will result in a natural disaster. Fortunately, the citizens have a dragon at their disposal (and they will not hesitate to use it). The dragon may drink the whole water from a lake in one sitting. Also, the mages of Ardenia already predicted the weather conditions for the next couple of years. The only question is: from which lake and when should the dragon drink to prevent a catastrophe? ## 题面翻译 某个国家周围有 $n$ 个湖泊,每个湖泊最初都充满了水。目前,该地区预计将有大量降雨。如果降雨落在干燥的空湖上,则会将湖填满水,如果降雨落在已经充满水的湖上,则会发生水灾。 幸运的是,市民们拥有一条龙,龙每天可以喝掉一个湖中的所有水,但龙只能在不下雨的时候喝水,下雨时则不能。现在已经知道了未来 $m$ 天的降雨情况,问龙应该以怎样的顺序喝水才能避免水灾的发生。

