Limit 的线段树题单


[DLC(部分有待更新的内容)]( [题单 Part2]( # 线段树入门 [P3372 【模板】线段树 1]( [P3373 【模板】线段树 2]( [P2023 [AHOI2009]维护序列]( [P1047 校门外的树]( [P1276 校门外的树(增强版)]( [P1531 I Hate It]( [P5057 [CQOI2006]简单题]( [P4588 [TJOI2018]数学计算]( # 权值线段树 [P1908 逆序对]( [P1637 三元上升子序列]( [P6186 [NOI Online 提高组]冒泡排序]( [P3369 【模板】普通平衡树]( # 线段树进阶 [CF242E XOR on Segment]( [P6492 [COCI2010-2011#6] STEP]( [CF620E New Year Tree]( [P2894 [USACO08FEB]Hotel G]( [CF438D The Child and Sequence]( [CF240F TorCoder]( [CF431E Chemistry Experiment]( [P2184 贪婪大陆]( [P1438 无聊的数列]( [CF992E Nastya and King-Shamans]( [CF1000F One Occurrence]( [CF1149C Tree Generator™]( [CF1422F Boring Queries]( [CF1004F Sonya and Bitwise OR]( [CF1114F Please, another Queries on Array?]( [P4145 上帝造题的七分钟2 / 花神游历各国]( [P6327 区间加区间 sin 和]( [CF446C DZY Loves Fibonacci Numbers]( [P1471 方差]( [P3300 [SDOI2013]城市规划]( [P4839 P哥的桶]( [P5142 区间方差]( [CF594D REQ]( [CF515E Drazil and Park]( [CF522D Closest Equals]( [CF739C Alyona and towers]( [CF718C Sasha and Array]( [CF383C Propagating tree]( [P2572 [SCOI2010]序列操作]( [CF803G Periodic RMQ Problem]( [P4314 CPU监控]( [P4062 [Code+#1]Yazid 的新生舞会]( [P4247 [清华集训2012]序列操作]( [CF840D Destiny]( [SP1043 GSS1 - Can you answer these queries I]( [SP1557 GSS2 - Can you answer these queries II]( [SP1716 GSS3 - Can you answer these queries III]( [SP2713 GSS4 - Can you answer these queries IV]( [SP2916 GSS5 - Can you answer these queries V]( # 动态开点 [P5459 [BJOI2016]回转寿司]( [CF915E Physical Education Lessons]( [CF817F MEX Queries]( # 扫描线 [P5490 【模板】扫描线]( [P1856 [USACO5.5]矩形周长Picture]( [P7497 四方喝彩]( # 线段树合并 [P4556 [Vani有约会]雨天的尾巴 /【模板】线段树合并]( [P3224 [HNOI2012]永无乡]( [CF600E Lomsat gelral]( [P3521 [POI2011]ROT-Tree Rotations]( [CF490F Treeland Tour]( [CF414C Mashmokh and Reverse Operation]( # 线段树分裂 [P5494 【模板】线段树分裂]( [P2824 [HEOI2016/TJOI2016]排序]( [CF558E A Simple Task]( [CF911G Mass Change Queries]( # 二维线段树 [P3437 [POI2006]TET-Tetris 3D]( # 吉老师线段树 [P6242 【模板】线段树 3]( [P9631 [ICPC2020 Nanjing R] Just Another Game of Stones]( # 树剖+线段树 [P3384 【模板】轻重链剖分]( [P3178 [HAOI2015]树上操作]( [P4114 Qtree1]( [P1505 [国家集训队]旅游]( [P2146 [NOI2015]软件包管理器]( [CF343D Water Tree]( [P6157 有趣的游戏]( [P3833 [SHOI2012]魔法树]( [P3979 遥远的国度]( [CF877E Danil and a Part-time Job]( [P2486 [SDOI2011]染色]( # 线段树优化建图 [CF786B Legacy](


  • TorCoder
  • XOR on Segment
  • Water Tree
  • Propagating tree
  • Mashmokh and Reverse Operation
  • Chemistry Experiment
  • The Child and Sequence
  • DZY Loves Fibonacci Numbers
  • Treeland Tour
  • Drazil and Park
  • Closest Equals
  • A Simple Task
  • REQ
  • Lomsat gelral
  • New Year Tree
  • Sasha and Array
  • Alyona and towers
  • Legacy
  • Periodic RMQ Problem
  • MEX Queries
  • Destiny
  • Danil and a Part-time Job
  • Mass Change Queries
  • Physical Education Lessons
  • Nastya and King-Shamans
  • One Occurrence
  • Sonya and Bitwise OR
  • Please, another Queries on Array?
  • Tree Generator™
  • Boring Queries
  • GSS2 - Can you answer these queries II
  • GSS3 - Can you answer these queries III
  • GSS4 - Can you answer these queries IV
  • GSS5 - Can you answer these queries V