codeforces 2100左右的DS题 题目列表 Choosing The Commander Domino Principle Check Transcription Addition on Segments Analysis of Pathes in Functional Graph Irrigation Colorful Points Alice and the Doll Portals Mister B and PR Shifts Teodor is not a liar! Spaceship Solitaire Segments Removal Order book Rooter's Song Fishes Beautiful Mirrors Range Deleting Messenger You Are Given a WASD-string... Lunar New Year and Red Envelopes Moving Points Leha and another game about graph Preparing for the Contest Tricky Function Number of Components Messenger Simulator Vitya and Strange Lesson Persistent Bookcase Sausage Maximization OpenStreetMap Segment Tree New Year and Conference New Year Tree Mishka and Interesting sum Water Balance R2D2 and Droid Army Remainder Problem Water Tree Connected Components? Minimum spanning tree for each edge DZY Loves Modification Pair of Numbers Case of Fugitive Fools and Roads Clique Problem